What will really make you faster on a bike?
Much is written and argued about how to get faster on a bike. Here is my personal take on the issue.
I choose to spend money on bikes and bike related stuff. I want the most impact that I can get from each expenditure.
What will not make me faster
Expensive wheels
Yes they look great. Yes they sound ominous and threatening. Yes they will make me 5secs faster over a few km. Improvement per pound - Not enough
Aero everything
Same argument as with wheels. As I wear stuff out I am replacing with more aero versions (shirts, helmet in next year) but I am not spending wholesale for the sake of a few seconds.
What has made me faster
Bike Fit
You want to ride fast for a long time (not just the Strava segment you are on) you need to be comfortable. Get a bike fit. No more pain. More power going to where it should be. One off spend for years of comfort.
Getting a coach
That money I have not spent on wheels I have spent on a coach. Massive measurable improvements in all aspects of my training and riding. Without doubt the biggest improvement per pound you can spend.
Getting a power meter
My latest toy- single side power meter. I do not need double sided so have saved the money. I also went for Bepro as cheapest proper power meter I could find. Why has this made me faster?

All 3 of the above have cost me less than a pair of semi flash wheels. The cost of a pair of Zipp wheels would keep me in training, bike fit and power for maybe 4 years.
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