Sunday, August 28, 2011

Early bird ride

Got up at 5:00 to go riding today. Should have stayed in bed, broke bike, only had granny ring to play with and then went over bars on cut gate into what can only be described as a lake. Well on bright side I got 3 hours riding on at steady pace and had that great feeling each time I met anybody on the trails that thought that were out early that I was out before them.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Kielder 100 Entered

Off to @yorkcycleworks ASAP to get Yeti fixed because as the title suggests I have just entered the Kielder 100 MTB marathon next weekend.  I blame Fraz is all I can say.  I have no target for the event though obviously top 30% of finishers is where I want to be.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Being ill is rubbish

Rode @yorkcycleworks chain gang last night, usually struggle and get dropped at some point later on when pace is really cranked up but left early last night, heart rate near max as soon as it was my turn on front which is not a good sign. Try again another day..........

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Riding in Normandy

Just returned from week in not so sunny France. Managed to restart some semblance of training. Decided to rest running muscles until I've seen a physio, took road bike and managed 5 good rides of 1.5 - 3 hrs.  Normandy is quite hilly, a bit like the wolds so I reckon some useful climbing training was had.  It was great in a geeky way to ride my French bike in its home country and it was silent as well once I'd played with seat post and collar and water bottle holders to eliminate final creaks and squeeks.

My concerns over wheat intolerance have returned, I are bread in france each day and now feel terrible with poorly tummy. Is it linked? I don't know but I do know I felt better without wheat which is where I am returning.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Long Tour of Bradwell Official Results are in......

OK so I wasn't happy about the outcome of Saturday with regard to a loss of speed following my knee pain, but the results are in.

I came 37th out of 98 runners.  The winning time was 5hr 22, I achieved 7hr 13.  The slowest was 9hrs 32.


Better than this I came 11th out of 27 in my age group (40-49 yr old old blokes), the best achieving 5hr52

Not that I am at all competitive but I am sooooooo going to do another one.

Will the pain ever go away?

It is now Wednesday and my legs still hurt.  I have had a couple of days of pain before but never this long.  My quads are still very bruised internally, my toe nails are hanging on but a couple are very black and look likely to come off sometime soon.

I have to start wondering about my next challenge.  I am definitely riding the coast to coast in September over 2 days.  I have also been accepted for the 3 peaks cyclocross race at the end of September.  Training will clearly be bike centred over the next few weeks, good idea as I think my knee is possibly seriously injured and needs some real rest.

I have seen and am intrigued - next year perhaps.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Still hurting

Oh my poor quads. How sore are they feeling?
All my toe nails are still there though, couple are a bit black.
Looking forward to a few rides in france next week on holiday for recovery purposes.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I've completed my First Ultramarathon

Well I've done it.

Yesterday I ran/walked/limped about 35 miles around the Derbyshire peak district.  I was out and about for 7 hrs 15 mins, burned 4300kcal and climbed 2050m.

It was a good day overall, after 5 km my left knee decided to tell my brain to stop, like stop NOW.  It felt as though I had trapped a nerve, the pain was in waves and really strong.  It was OK as it only hurt going uphill or downhill.  Hourly doses of a couple Ibuprofen put paid to most of this pain though my speed was seriously cut down.

Having finished and removed my footwear I saw that most of my toes had gone interesting new colours, looks as though I may have sacrificed a couple toe nails over the day (running downhill)

Today I feel as though I have been in a stampede of overweight hippos, my knee is starting to move more freely and the scrapes and bruises I got falling over are becoming less significant.

Overall, I wish I could have run faster but am really pleased with myself for not giving in.

Three peaks cyclocross race is next..........